Horoscope for a week: All Signs - Energy and harmony - May 20, 24 - May 27, 24

On Monday, May 20, 2024, the stars align for all signs
Energy and Harmony are the forecast theme, divine designs
As the week unfolds, a celestial dance in the sky
Bringing positivity and balance, don't be shy

Aries, fiery and bold, your energy is high
Harness it wisely, reach for the sky
Taurus, grounded and stable, find your inner calm
Embrace the harmony, like a soothing balm

Gemini, social and chatty, your wit will shine
Use your charm wisely, everything will align
Cancer, nurturing and intuitive, trust your gut
Listen to your inner voice, no ifs or buts

Leo, confident and bold, let your light shine bright
Embrace your power, the future looks bright
Virgo, practical and analytical, focus on routines
Resolution is at hand, fulfill your dreams

Libra, balanced and diplomatic, harmony is key
Find peace within, set your spirit free
Scorpio, intense and passionate, take control
Become the person in charge, reach your goal

Sagittarius, adventurous and ...

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